So I'm playing today, for a short period of time, sadly, and my partner misses a shot a few feet up from the baseline. "I hit my leg," he said.
I smiled wryly, because I've got some nifty bruises on my right knee and they don't seem to have enough time for the purple, abused flesh to heal.
I don't know how frequently this happens, maybe there will be a comment or two. It is, however, a problem for me and I'm happy to fix this.
Then it struck me why this happens. The big error is that I and my partner had our paddles at our sides, which is ok, but not in front of our legs, which "ain't so good." Now it might be that the right leg tends to move first, leaving the paddle behind. But in either case, that paddle needs to stay in front of the body.
That protects the knees, and feelings of self worth, and it also extends the paddle's reach towards the ball. There is no reason not to like that. Be like a fencer and get that foil out in front.
An easy way to make sure that happens is to keep the paddle elbow bent somewhat. That keeps it up and hopefully in front of the body.
I hope this will help someone. I'm going to put it into practice.
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