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Monday, December 20, 2021

Strikes Per Point

 Hello data buffs,

I was wondering how many times a ball is normally hit during a point.  So I collected some data from two games today.  I counted the strikes per point and created a nice histogram in a spreadsheet, which, of course, blogspot would not allow me to paste the chart. 

You'll have to take my word for how wonderful the chart came to be.  Okay, I wasn't able to get the strike numbers to print on the x-axis, but since they run from 1 to 15, it's not really important.  I do have average values and the standard deviation, because an average without the deviation is suspect. 

The total points were 98, strikes were from 1 (a bad serve or an ace), to 15, which was a epic battle, though sadly not a dink battle, more of a thrashing of wheat while standing too close each other.  But I digress into the area of style and aesthetics.

The average hits per point was 6.5, the deviation was 5.6.  Almost all of the action (95%) was less than 10 hits.  

I don't have the data to back it up, but as I was watching it was clear that almost all shots that ended a point were misses, either in the net, long, or wide.  There were very few clear winners.  Tip all you players out there, just get the ball back!

Here are the raw data.

Mean and deviation follow the frequency row:

Frequency 5 13 12 16 15 7 11 7 6 2 1 1 0 1 1 6.53 5.62
Strikes/Hits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15





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