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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Electrolytes Part 3

 I've done the electrolyte powders for a couple of months.  The first month with Dr. Berg's and the second with Keppi which was pointed out to me by a comment in a prior blog -- again thanks for that!

What's next you might ask and wonder if the stuff actually worked.  And worked, I must emphasis, is for me.

I've got a strange diet going and there is not a lot of veggies, carbs, and fruit in it.  Some some of the electrolytes might be in short supply.

And did it work?  I'm not sure.  What I'm going to do next is take a month off and see how I feel.  If there seems to be no difference, I might do it anyways and I can't see that it hurts to use the stuff, other than expense.

So I leave you hanging once again.

There was a question put to me if I used the powder other places than when playing.  I have somewhat.  If I drink some water before I play, I'll usually add the powder.  I also have used it occasionally after a morning's play.  Since those can be three hours in length and in hot weather, I can see that I might be running low.  Once of the uses of the electrolytes is to help avoid muscle cramps, so I can see that during and post exercise might both be useful.

I have no physical symptoms to pass on.  I've been feeling pretty good lately and that's one of the things I want to watch for deterioration.  I get some hip muscle pain on occasion, and that might be a sign of something or other, so I'm paying attention to it.

That's all I have.  Note that if you order from Dr. Berg, you'll get at least one email a day.  I guess he cares and keeps checking up on me.  It's not all bad, he offers 15% off usually.   :-)  The Keppi product is still cheaper and it's on Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear your analysis here Rich! I too am not convinced it actually works as advertised, but at the very least it adds a little flavor to my water and psychologically I feel better about being hydrated with electrolytes (placebo maybe??). Cheers!
