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Wednesday, January 11, 2023


"Happiness is the summation of a lot of little things."  Blondihacks.

Not only do I watch some PB on YouTube, there are other interests as well.  Blondihacks does hobby machining and while her videos can easily put me to sleep in the afternoon post PB, (nothing wrong with that, a good nap is a wonderful thing!) they are interesting.

Her quote resonated with me.  And I think it's got some application to PB and probably everything else in life.  

The Master was telling Po that one of the joys of the game is the noise and feel of the perfect hit.  When the path of the paddle and the ball align and the ball is properly located on the paddle and all is right with heaven and earth.  The Master would suggest that you should pay attention to this small details, enjoy and cherish them.  We might call that seeking happiness!  

Not all hits are of the quality, I've been told.  :-)  All you golfers know about this, though hitting a golf ball on the "screws" is a much rarer event.  

Speaking of happiness, as I was compiling all the blog posts from last year, I was struck by how much repetition there was.  It seems that I've been repeating a lot of the stuff over and over.  Repetition is not a great interest in life.  I recognized that early in my professional career and was glad to never work in a production environment.  Repetition is, for me, deadly boring.  I understand that others revel in it, and that is a useful skill, but I don't have it.

There is a lot about PB that can be fairly repetitive and on occasion I find myself unengaged until the end of the game when the points become more valuable.  Until the end of the game, I should turn my attention to enjoying all the good hits along the way.  The dink that went well, paddle ball contact, moving to where Sammy is going to hit it, well before he does.  All the small parts that make up a point.
Well, let's call that a New Year's Resolution.

Paddle discounts!  I've bought a couple of paddles from Kit Chen, he is out of Benicia.  He reps a whole bunch of the major paddles and some of the minor ones.  His number is 1 707 344 8824, text him!  He is quite responsive and get a quote.  He is also on facebook: Facebook/Solano Pickleball
Save a couple of bucks and buy some balls!

Shoes Discounts!  I've bought shoes from, they have good prices and good selection.  I've got a big foot and they usually can accommodate me.


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