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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Introduction to Pickleball Thoughts

 My intention here is to create a number of short posts about my thoughts while learning the game of Pickleball.  

I tend to seek a deeper understanding of things as I do them.  This is not always a good strategy as some of these understanding can get in the way of performance.  You might want to look at the golf blog for evidence of that.  But PB is not golf and so far it seems to be a simpler game.  I may be wrong about that.

 As of late 2021, I've been playing for a couple of years.  As I've gotten better and watched a bunch of videos of the pros playing, thoughts of how to play the game better have arisen.  

The folks I play with range from beginners to maybe 4.3 or so.  That number is in PB ratings.  The number range from about 2.5 to 6.0; the bigger the number, the better the player.  Pros are north of 5.0.

I'd love to write this in the style of the P. G. Wodehouse golf stories, but I don't think I can carry that off.  I may drop names of my fellow players, though I've not decided about that.  I plan to pass notices about new posts to my local players -- names would be identifiable, and since I really have nothing bad to say about anyone, I may do it. It would make the blog more newsy and perhaps interesting to my targeted readers. But I don't want to pass out anyone's secrets!

I'm guessing that I'll produce a blog post a week or so.  I've got about five topics written down and I expect that more will arise as I do this.

I'll stop here and write a couple posts and then publish when I'm happy with what I have.



  1. Hey Rich. Look forward to some good and fun reading. Cheers, Karl

  2. Thanks Karl. I look forward to entertaining you!
