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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Miscellaneous Topics

 I'm just catching up a bit with the loyal audience today.  There is, pardon the expression, not much on my mind, so no new posts for bit.

But there are a couple of observations I can pass on.

I played with and against Scott today, one of our very fine players.  He has great paddle control and delivers angled shots as well as anyone.  One of the things he does well is to get the paddle positioned very early, then there is a late hit.  

He frequently hits soft rollers with his forehand.  They are not very aggressive shots, he is just keeping the play going, but with the slight lift then roll, he has good net clearance -- it's a high percentage shot.  His shots are made with a very short swing, an approved pickleball style element.  Watch him play if you get a chance.  

One good quote from Scott during today's play: "Even if you hit a bad shot, get ready to play the return."  Worthy of the Master...


I find Scott and other good players easy to play against.  Their play is much more predictable and less aggressive than the those whose skills are lagging just a bit.  It's easier to hit the ball too hard, which makes for shorter points and less consistency.  Longer points are funner!


I also played with a couple of beginners recently.  One of the concepts that they usually lack is the mandatory move to the kitchen after their service return.  Even if the knowledge is passed to them, it's rare that they will do it.  

It doesn't seem like a difficult play, but it's obviously hard to accept.  I find that quite interesting.  I would guess that the beginner has so much to think about, that any one element seems lost in the brain storm.  Yet, I would suggest that this is one of the most important duties as a player.  

There are two main reasons you want to do this, you need to join your partner at the kitchen.  If you don't you provide open lanes that can be attacked by the opponents.  And you give up the advantage of the necessary bounce on the service return.  It ain't pickleball, if you ignore this issue.  Of all the rules of thumb for PB, this is the only one with no exceptions. 


One day there will be four more courts when the nets arrive at May Nissen.  I'm quite curious as to what that will do to the attendance of the players.  Will one set of courts "belong" to certain skill levels?  Or will the talent be spread out to all available courts.  I've seen a lot of drop off in attendance at the Downs this last week.  I know some of the people are trying out Muir Woods park.  If they remain there or come back or alternate will be known down the line.  Certainly the M/N courts will affect Livermore folks.  Fun times ahead!


I've been playing with lead tape on my Diadem Warrior.  The paddle started out at 8.5 ounces and is somewhat over nine at this point.  I added more tape down my the throat for today's play.  I was hoping to get more sweet spot on low and wide hits.  I didn't notice much difference in how the paddle felt.  I'm not sure I hit much near the throat, so I can't comment on how effective it is yet.  

If you want to try it, tape is available in most golf shops.  You probably want to put on about 4 inches on each side of the paddle.  Towards the top for more power, on the middle for more sweet spot in the mid section of the paddle, and lower down for sweet spot and a bit more control.  I've got about seven inches of lead on each side at this point.  Put some electrical plastic tape over the lead tape.  The adhesive on the LT is not the greatest.  Lead is bit toxic, so wash up before eating peanut butter out of the communal jar with your fingers.


I bought a bigger PB bag the other day.  I wanted room to toss in a jacket for the cold season.  I've got a 40 ounce water bottle in there with some balls.  The balls kept getting in the way of the water bottle, so I made a holster to hold it and keep the balls in their place.  It was made with some foam and cardboard and I connected the pieces with some duct tape.  It's working quite well.  I wish the bag had some more pockets and bigger ones, but it will do.  The only down side is that it's getting heavy as I keep putting stuff in it.  I've got some first aid stuff and some tools for court repairs in it.


I think that's about all I have.  The Master and Po, the student, are off for the holidays.  They will return in due time.  I'll see you at the courts and as always, get ready for the next shot!

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